Friday, December 7, 2007

Second Life

In our Learning Through Technology class, our teacher introduced us to Second Life. Second Life is a social networking program in which each user creates a "second life" for themselves. There are different islands in which the user can explore and meet new people. Just like other social-working sites people become "friends" and can communicate through Second Life. It is rapidly becoming popular and people are investing a lot of time and effort into this program. People are encouraged, and allowed, to make money off of Second Life. It is possible to obtain a job, purchase items, and gamble all by entering your credit card number. While many people may see this as a great opportuinty to meet people and make money, and create a completely new life for themself, I feel that it is rather strange. Personally, I found Second Life complicated and confusing. Im sure with more practice and access to the program I would be more comfortable, but the idea of creating a whole new life for myself through a computer is not something I think that I would enjoy doing. Overall, being introduced to Second Life was a great opportunity to learn something new, and to learn about the lifestyles of other people, but I do not see myself going back to the site in the future.

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