Friday, December 7, 2007


Creating a portfolio at the end of a semester, or year, is very beneficial. Portfolios give the teachers an idea of the success of the semester or year. They are able to view what the student learned and what the student still needs to work on in the coming year. Creating an online portfolio was interesting, and fun, yet very beneficial. This was required of us in my Learning Through Technology class. I felt that it helped me to sum up the semester. It helped me to put everything that I have learned this semester into one file. Throughout the rest of my college career, and even into my teaching career, I will be able to look back at my portfolio and view many important ideas. For example, I have included in my portfolio the New York State standards for teaching, as well as the ISTE standards for teaching. If I ever need to look back and view these standards, they are within easy access on my computer. I feel that creating a blog was more beneficial than taking a final exam because I was required to view and express my opinions on each topic covered in class this semester as well as include examples of my work done. It was a very rewarding opportunity to display my education and successes.

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